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2020, A New Decade!


2019 has come and gone in the blink of an eye. Does anyone else feel like they blinked and then all of a sudden we are ready to countdown to 2020? Plus, it’s a new decade!? A decade guys! A decade has come and gone …
This decade has its unexpected plot twists and unexpected hurdles. Amazing, beautiful moments and challenging loss and sadness. It reminds us to be present and grateful for the things that truly matter in our lives and to have faith in the greater picture.
This past decade, I married to the love of my life. I lost my father and my aunt. I gained housemates and an exciting life of adventure with a new way of flipping. I made new friends. I strengthened bonds with friendships that I have had in past decades. I stopped travelling and being on the road all the time. We had to sell our forever home unexpectedly. City Transfer And Storage are movers Winston Salem, NC we hired. I’ve battled some unexpected health issues. I gained a whole new family with my Home & Family “family” at Hallmark that I love fiercely. There has been so much more, but if you were to write it all down as a list you would realize just how much change and growth can happen in a decade. It’s a long time. Heck, a lot has happened just in 2019.
So, for this New Year, 2020, I am stepping into 2020 with the focus on simplifying my life. The KISS theory. Keep It Simple Silly … Learning to be more present with the people I love, and appreciating the little things in life. Making the most of the little moments. Quality over quantity. Keeping in mind that in the end … it’s all about the little things. That’s what makes the big things matter. At least I think so. I don’t really make New Year Resolutions … so instead I will use this motto that I heard on The Good Place that has stuck with me. “Today I will try to be a little bit better than I was yesterday.” And that’s all we can really do is try to become the best versions of ourselves, Everyday.
I want to thank everyone who has supported me in 2019. My family, my friends and my followers. Without you, nothing that I do or create would matter. YOU ALL make it possible and you all give meaning to my life. I feel so blessed and so grateful and I just wanted to express that and say THANK YOU!
 Share with us all of your 2019 highlights, reflections and goals for 2020 on Instagram and Twitter @paigehemmis 



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